
How to Include Remote Real Robot Practice

Make your robotics students practice remotely with real robots

How can you provide REMOTE STUDENTS with a complete learning experience with REAL ROBOTS?

This webinar will show you how to provide real robot practice to your students using The Construct remote robots.

This webinar is 100% practical!

During the webinar, you will learn how to create ROS material for your students, including practice with simulations and real robots.

You are not going to learn how to do it — you are going to do it!


By the end of the webinar you will have learned the following:

  • How to use the existing ROS materials as practice exercises for your students
  • How to create your own  ROS material with the tasks your students must solve
  • How to practice using a simulation before using a real robot
  • How to use the remote real robot labs, and how to give real robot labs access to your students
  • Which parts are free, and which features require payment

We will use The Construct’s remote robot labs

We will use two different remote labs:

1. The wheeled robot lab

2. The robot arm robot lab

We will also show you how to create your own remote real robot lab.

    Wednesday, May 5, 2021

    6:00 PM CEST

    About this webinar

    The online webinar is designed to inspire and educate robotics teachers and lecturers about teaching robotics remotely. Dr. Ricardo Tellez will share his experiences remotely teaching real robotics at La Salle University and creating the only 24/7 Remote ROS Robot Lab in the world.

    Who should attend?

    • Professors/Teachers of undergrads or graduate students who are preparing robotics courses for 2021.
    • Teachers who are searching for remote teaching solutions.
    • Teachers who want to provide robotics practice to their students.


    Dr. Ricardo Téllez

    Teacher of ROS at Masters in Automation, Home Automation, and Robotics at La Salle BCN University | Teacher of ROS at Masters of Industry 4.0 at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya | CEO at The Construct

    An expert in robotics. Dr. Téllez has 10 years of experience building software for ROS-based robots, including human-sized humanoids. He is the author of five books about learning ROS. He has served as a robotics teacher at two universities and has been a lecturer in seminars and summer schools for many years. He has rich experience in robotics teaching and development.

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