Course of Product

Mastering ROS: RB-CAR

In this course you will learn the basics for autonomous driving using the Robotnik Autonomous Car.

Course Overview

Learn how to use the RB-CAR from Robotnik through basic autonomous navigation and autonomous driving perception examples.

What You will learn

At the end of this course you will feel comfortable about making robots do the following things:

  • Introduction to platform
  • Autonomous Outdoor Navigation
  • TEB planning
  • Create an Ackerman control
  • Detect pedestrians, cars, traffic lights, traffic signals
  • Detect lanes

Robot(s) Used In This Course

RB-CAR MOBILE ROBOT: Configurable and Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR)





48 hours


Miguel Angel Rodriguez

Head of Research @ The Construct | Creator of over 10 ROS AI courses | Author of ROS IN 5 DAYS book collection.

What Projects Will You Be Doing?

[ROS Q&A] 168 - What are the differences between global and local costmap

Project 1

Create a service client for the /traffic_lights_service management that changes the traffic lights in regular intervals.

[ROS Q&A] 168 - What are the differences between global and local costmap


Create a script with a class inside that converts GPS data into odometry-like data to be used as poses in the navigation stack.

[ROS Q&A] 168 - What are the differences between global and local costmap


Using the laser+map system created in Unit3 TEB planning, create a script that can follow a list of GPS coordinates and generate a route around the city.

[ROS Q&A] 168 - What are the differences between global and local costmap


Integrate lane detection into the navigation move base.

[ROS Q&A] 168 - What are the differences between global and local costmap

Project 5

Integrate the Traffic light detection to stop when the light is RED.

Course Summary

Unit 1: Outdoors navigation Basics

Learn how to create a MAP and use it to navigate.

Unit 2: TEB planning

Learn basics of TEB planning for car like vehicles navigation.

Unit 3: Autonomous Outdoor Navigation

Learn how to navigate with GPS outdoors

Unit 4: Visual Information Management

Learn how to detect pedestrians, traffic lights, and traffic signs using AI.

Unit 5: Final Project

Create a project where you will use what you have learned in this course.

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