Basics Course

Basic Maths for Robotics

Learn the basic mathematical concepts applied to robotics.

Course Overview


The aim of this course is to provide a good understanding of what geometry stands for, basic linear algebra, calculus and operations with numbers, and some probability theory. All these skills are key if you want to become a robotics developer.

What You will learn:

  • What Kalman Filters are and why they are required
  • Different types of Kalman Filters and when to apply each one:
    • Linear Algebra, where you’ll learn about vectors and matrices
    • Calculus, where you’ll learn about functions, derivatives, and integrals
    • Probability, where you’ll learn about random variables and belief distributions

Who is this for?

This course is for anyone who wants to start a robotics career and doesn’t have a mathematical background. It will provide you with the basic mathematical skills you need in order to learn more complex robotics concepts.

Simulation robot used in this course:






Estimated Completion Time

20 hours

What projects will you be doing?

[ROS Q&A] 168 - What are the differences between global and local costmap

Linear Algebra

Write a small function that will help the Turtlebot perform a rotation, given the angle we want to rotate.

ROS Mini Challenge #2 - RViz

Linear Algebra

Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to calculate the length of a vector given the other sides of a triangle.


Practice calculus using kinematics and the relationships between a robot’s position, velocity, and acceleration.

Help a mobile robot escape from a maze

It consists of making a program that dictates the movements the robot performs in order to get out of the maze.

What you will learn

Course Syllabus

Unit 1: Introduction

Unit for previewing the contents of the Course, including a practical demo.

Unit 2: Linear Algebra (vectors and matrices)

In this unit, you are going to get a gentle introduction to the most basic field of mathematics: Linear Algebra. This discipline is a prerequisite to any career you want to follow in mathematics, physics, engineering, etc.

Unit 3: Calculus

In this unit, you are going to be introduced to a basic unit of calculus: a function.

In mathematics, this unit provides valuable information on how a variable changes. It may change over time, position, or orientation, but it can all be studied with the properties of functions.

    Unit 4: Probability

    Autonomous robots develop their behaviours in pairs of perception of their state and the environment, and action from their motors to the environment. Probability is a representation of how uncertain we can be that the robot perceives what we think, or performs the actions we want.

    Project: Escape from a maze

    In the final project of this course, you are going to help a mobile robot escape from a maze. It consists of making a program that dictates the movements the robot performs in order to get out of the maze.

    Irene Pérez

    Course’s Creator

    My name is Irene, I’m a Physicist and Engineer from Barcelona. I’m passionate about applying  Artificial Intelligence to Robotics, while focusing on the utility and beauty of fundamentals.

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