ROS Teaching Center

Welcome! The purpose of this page is to provide educators with a brief overview of how to use The Construct’s teaching features, as well as relevant updates and useful links.

Getting Started

How to Access the Teacher’s Panel

How to Assign a License to Your Students

How to Remove a License from a Student

Track Student Progress & Exams

How to Check Your Students’ Progress

How to Enable an Exam for Your Students

How to Check Students’ Exam Results

How to Check the Students’ Code Files

How to Grant Manager Access to a Teaching Assistant

How to Download a CSV File with all Your Students’ Data

Assigning Your Own ROS Projects

How to Create Your Own ROS Projects with ROS Development Studio

How to Connect to the Robots in the Remote Real Robot Lab

How to Share a ROSJECT with Students

Frequently Asked Questions

Are the courses self-guided? Do the students need the teacher to explain the material?

All the courses are designed for self-learning. The courses include step-by-step explanations, exercises to practice with the simulated robots, and exams with automatic correction.

How do I follow student progress?

Teachers can follow their student’s progress from the Teacher’s Panel. The Teacher’s Panel provides an overview of every student’s progress, including the units visited and time spent on each unit, exams taken, and earned certificates.

Can the students ask questions?

There is a Forum that the students can access and post their questions. You can access the Forum by clicking on the question mark located at the lower right corner of any screen.

Questions are answered within 24 hours.

Can students access all the courses?

A license allows students to access all the courses in the academy. It just depends on the time they want to dedicate and the instructions from the teacher.

What happens when the license expires?

When the license expires, students can continue to access all the code and files they created.

Can the code created be used in our robots or local computers?
At any time, students can download code created during the course to program a personal robot or computer.

Useful Links & Updates

ROS로 로봇 교육하기

(아래 텍스트는 인공지능 번역으로 작성되었습니다. 원문은 여기에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. 궁금한 점이나 의견이 있으시다면 info@theconstructsim.com으로 메일이나 댓글을 남겨주세요.)몇 달 전, 나는 미국 해군사관학교(System Engineering Department의 교수인 Joel Esposito와의 인터뷰를 진행했습니다. 이 인터뷰는 ROS Developers Podcast #21에서 방영되었습니다. 이 팟캐스트에서 Joel은 전 세계적으로 로봇...


(以下の文章は人工知能によって翻訳されました。元の文を表示するにはこちらをクリックしてください。) 数ヶ月前、私はROS Developers Podcast #21 で、米国海軍アカデミーのシステムエンジニアリング部門の教授であるJoel...


(以下のテキストはAIによって翻訳されました。原文はこちらでご確認いただけます。もし疑問点やご意見がありましたら、 までメールかメッセージをお送りください。)先週、同僚から大学でROSを教える方法についてアドバイスを求められました。彼女は来月からROSの授業を始める予定です。それから私は、大学でROSを教える際に過去に comitted...

로봇공학 및 ROS 교사들이 하는 5가지 실수

지난 주에 제 동료가 다음 달에 ROS 수업을 시작하게 되어 대학에서 ROS를 가르치는 방법에 대한 조언을 구해 왔습니다. 그 후로, 나는 대학에서 ROS를 가르치면서 내가 과거에 저질렀던 5가지 실수를 녹화하기로 결정했습니다. 이 비디오가 여러분에게 유용하고 내가 한 실수를 피하도록 도움이 되기를 희망합니다.🙅 1번째 실수: ROS 설치 가르치기 첫 번째 실수는 ROS 설치 방법을 가르치면서 ROS를 가르치기 시작하는 것입니다. 이것은 ROS 학습과 관련이 없으므로,...

5 Mistakes Robotics & ROS Teachers Make

Last week, a colleague of mine asked me for advice on how to teach ROS at university because she is going to start delivering a ROS class next month. Then I decided to record this video with 5 mistakes I have made in the past while teaching ROS at the university. I...

Teaching robotics in times of confinement

I’m talking here about delivering a robotics course while students and teachers are confined at home. I suspect we are going to need this for the rest of the year, so we better start dealing with it right now. I’m completely discarding teaching with videos option for...

Why you should learn ROS before AI or Robotics

So the question is, wether it pays any value to learn ROS without even knowing Robotics or AI. Well it depends on your learning approach. I personally do not like the Wikipedia approach to learning. What I mean by Wikipedia approach is the way of teaching where the...

Teaching Robotics to University Students from Home

The world has changed in 2020. Due to the coronavirus, all our social interactions have been reduced. This has led to universities closing and students learning from home. Teaching has moved online. You can teach almost any subject online; however, some subjects are...

Teaching Robotics With ROS

A couple of months ago I interviewed Joel Esposito about the state of robotics education for the ROS Developers Podcast #21 (Joel Esposito is a Professor in the System Engineering Department at the United States Naval Academy). On that podcast, Joel talks about his...

Teaching ROS Fast To Many Students

Lecturer Steffen Pfiffner of the University of Weingarten in Germany is teaching ROS (Robot Operating System) to 26 students at the same time at a very fast pace. His students, all of them within the Master on Computer Science of University of Weingarten, use only a...

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