123. ROS2 Control Round 2

123. ROS2 Control Round 2

I would like to dedicate this episode to all the ROS developers who have already switched to ROS2 to control their robots.  Today we are going to talk about the ros2_control with one of the main developers and maintainers of the packages.   But before going into...
122. How to Build Robotics Startups

122. How to Build Robotics Startups

I would like to dedicate this episode to all the ROS developers that are considering building their own robotics startup.   Today we are going to talk about this subject, how to build your robotics startup with a person that has already built two of them: one about...
121. Developing robotics in Singapore

121. Developing robotics in Singapore

I would like to dedicate this episode to all the ROS developers in Asia that are struggling to get their industrial robots with ROS. Do not be desperate. Keep pushing your ROS learning and application. There are a lot of people working hard to help you with that, for...
120. Space ROS

120. Space ROS

I would like to dedicate this episode to all the developers that are building and programming the robots that will go to space in the next missions.   Today we are going to talk about the version of ROS that is aimed to go to space.   But before going into the meat,...
119. Zenoh for ROS2

119. Zenoh for ROS2

I would like to dedicate this episode to all the developers that are struggling to set up complex networks of ROS2 devices.   Today we are going to talk about the communications between different robots and systems over a large network and even over the internet.  ...

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